JORAM - FAQ - General questions about Joram

Questions about programming with Joram.

Here are a list of commonly asked questions and answers.

See also these other sources of information:

If you have a question not answered here, please join the community mailing list or alternatively, contact the development team directly at

We welcome contributions so please help us make the documentation better!

What JDK release does Joram need?

Normally Joram requires JDK/JRE release 1.7.x or higher, however it is possible to configure Joram with older JDK/JRE release.

What platforms will Joram run on?

Joram is developed on Linux and Windows. As the client and server components are written in Java, it is platform-neutral.

Where can I find help?

JORAM is supported both commercially and as an open-source project.
For general questions please join our mailing list or contact the development team at

For commercial support see our Support page for information or check the detailed description of ScalAgent D.T. professional services on JORAM.

How to get help?

Before you report a problem you might want to read the FAQ.
Whenever you are reporting a problem please be sure to include as much information as possible:

  • Which version of Joram,
  • What platform of Java,
  • Any particular software or configuration being used.
  • Stack traces generally really help!
  • Log output can be useful too; generally enabling DEBUG logging can help.
  • Your code and configuration files are often useful.

We can help you faster if you provide us a test that demonstrates your issue.

How can I get the source code from subversion?

You can browse SVN directly via the web use this link.

To check out from SVN:

  • Make sure you have SVN (subversion) installed,
  • svn checkout svn://,

Only project developers can commit to the SVN tree. Additionnals informations about svn are available here.

How do I compile from the source?

Change to root directory then launch maven through mvn install command.

Additionnals informations are available in Getting Started page.

How do I get involved in the Joram project?

Any input or personal view for improving and/or developing JORAM is welcome. JORAM, as an open source project, also welcomes external contributions. If you are interested contact us or check the developer's corner page.

Welcome aboard! We love contributions - here are some suggestions for what you can work on:

  • packaging for other operating systems,
  • integration with messaging systems,
  • integration with management systems,
  • improvements to the client or server parts, and work towards other clients,
  • .. and so on!

We're happy to hear from anyone who wants to get involved or is curious about the project.

What are the components versions embedded in Joram?

A file named versions in the SVN lib directory list the different versions used in the current release. Since 4.2.0 a copy of this file is shipped in the lib directory of each packaged version.

How should I interpret Joram's version numbering?

Joram is versioned with the scheme major.minor.patch.

  • major: This number indicates the major version of the software, it is only changed for significant evolutions of the software.
  • minor: A change in this number indicates new or significantly altered features.
  • patch: This number changes for small changes such as bug-fixes.

A protocol identifier is also available, it indicates the compatibility between two versions.

What jars do I need?

The minimal list of bundles to start a Joram server is monolog.jar, a3-common.jar, a3-rt.jar, jcup.jar, joram-shared.jar, joram-mom-core.jar and a3-osgi.jar. If you use the shipped JNDI service it is also necessary to add jndi-shared.jar and jndi-server.jar bundles. This represents less than one megabytes.

A set of possible OSGi configuration is provided with the samples in samples/config directory.

To start a Joram/JMS client you need monolog.jar, jcup.jar, joram-shared.jar, joram-client-jms.jar and a JMS API jar geronimo-jms_1.1_spec.jar for example. If you want to use the shipped JNDI service it is also necessary to add jndi-client.jar and jndi-shared.jar.

How can I start a Joram server?

In order to start a Joram server you just need to execute the AgentServer class with a correct a3servers.xml configuration file.

  • java -cp .. 0 ./s0

Ant tasks, Windows and Linux shell scripts are available with the samples.

Additionnals informations are available in the Getting started or Tutorials pages. We advise you to look at the user's guide.

Submit a question or problem?

Please join our mailing-list. We'd like to hear from you.

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