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JORAM tutorials

Have fun using Joram on Raspberry PI with Java 8.

Joram requires very few resources to run, this simple tutorial shows how to launch a Joram server on a Raspberry PI and test it.

  • First you need a Raspberry PI with Java 8, you can find documentation instructions to setup JDK 8 on a Raspberry Pi device here.
  • Second download a snapshot of Joram's distribution, then unzip it on your Raspberry PI.
  • Third, follow the tutorial instructions : here.


Tutorials about the samples included in the Joram distribution:

  • Classic sample: this example simply demonstrates sending and receiving messages either on queues or topics.
  • Clustered queue sample: this example shows the use of clustered queues either for load-balancing or availability.
  • Monitoring destination sample: this example shows the use of monitoring queue and topic.
  • JMS bridge destination sample: this example shows the use of JMS bridge queue and topic. It allows interoperability between Joram and another JMS provider.
  • JASP: Joram Access using STOMP Protocol sample: this sample shows the configuration of the Joram's STOMP bridge. Be careful this tutorial needs Joram 5.4.
  • Performances sample: this example demonstrates the Joram's performances.

Joram Monitoring and Administration

Tutorials about the Joram monitoring and administration:

  • JMX Administration: This tutorial demonstrates the administration of Joram using a generic JMX console.
  • GWT Web Console: This tutorial shows the use of the web administration console of Joram.

Joram's over OSGi

First steps with Joram / OSGi: This tutorial allows to discover the dynamic extension of Joram capabilities and introduces the Command Line Interface (CLI) administration of Joram through Telnet:

Note: This tutorial uses some features of development release of Joram.

Joram's JMX over JMS connector

JMX (Java Management Extensions) provides a standard framework for managing Java applications. It allows the use of multiple protocols to transport its requests.

The Joram JMX/JMS connector allows JMX administration over JMS. It requires a single Joram server or cluster of servers to act as the reliable hub through which management communications will travel. This tutorial depicts the use of the JORAM JMX/JMS connector.

The main advantages to use JORAM JMX/JMS connector for the communication protocol are:

  • Decoupling between management applications and distributed JMX agents.
  • Easy management of WAN or Cloud based applications.
  • Federation of MBeanServer in a single view.
  • Performance.

Joram's configuration designer

This tutorial introduces the design of a Joram's configuration using the Eclipse plugin:

Note: Currently this plugin is available in SVN.

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